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Analogue darkroom

The Photography Centre has a traditional darkroom including enlargers, baths and other basic darkroom equipment. Members are able to use the darkroom free of charge, but you will need to buy your own paper and chemicals. 

Digital darkroom

Members working on non-commercial work, can use the Centre’s computer and digital equipment for free. The equipment includes a memory card reader, an A4 size drawing pad, a Samsung 3180 laser printer/photocopier, a Spyder 5 pro calibration device, Epson Perfection V850 pro flatbed scanner and a Plustek Optic Film 120 film scanner. Reservations for use of the computer room and material can be arranged through the gallery receptionist. 


The association has an EPSON Surecolor SC-9000 STD printer.  

The printer is available for member use only and cannot be used without having an introduction and proper instruction for material use.   

Workshops for using the printer are organized from time to time and if necessary extra guidance and printing help can be arranged with the digital darkroom responsible.