The Centre for Creative Photography


The Centre for Creative Photography was founded in Jyväskylä in October, 1989. This legal association
currently has over 130 members (as of 2022). The main focus of the association is to represent
the art of photography, to promote all aspects of photography as a practice, and to enhance prevalent
conditions of photographers by maintaining a vital connection to artists and institutions, both nationally
and internationally.

The association also runs a centre for Creative Photography which represents photography from Central
Finland and actively publishes a variety of photography based publications. The photography centre is
part of a national network of photography in Finland and is known for its exhibitions and educational
work in contemporary photography, as well as in the interface of photography and art.

Photographers, photography lovers, fine art photographers and anyone interested in photography are
welcome to become members. Membership is valid for one calendar year as soon the membership fee
is paid.

The membership fee can be paid in cash at the Ratamo Gallery or by direct payment to the Centre’s
account. After sending your completed application form, you will receive the Centre’s bank information
and payment code, by email, to the address you provide.